Welcome To Our Re-Launch!
LandlordForms.ca offers high quality, practical solutions to landlords across Ontario, the rest of Canada, and the US!</p>
<p>We’re quite excited to help you thrive in your landlording business. As landlords ourselves, we know that it can be quite difficult and overwhelming to try and run a successful investment property business. And hey, let’s face it, being a landlord is not for the faint of heart.</p>
<p>It’s hard work.</p>
<p>And it’s usually a thankless job.</p>
<p>As a landlord, you’ll often be viewed as a villain, Mr. Moneybags, a thief, a dictator, a police officer, a vulture, Ebeneezer Scrooge, and even the devil himself. None of those representations are particularly positive.</p>
<p>But unfortunately, in running a rental property business, there are a lot of areas where trouble, misunderstandings, confusion, and frustrations abound. And these help perpetuate those awful characterizations that plague the reputation of a landlord. In truth, many situations that lead to unpleasantness are unnecessary and can be skillfully avoided. After all, the reality is that landlords are just normal people trying to make a living like everyone else. Landlords are generally good people who want to do the right thing.</p>
<p>Contrary to popular belief, the overwhelming majority of landlords are not millionaires sitting on a pile of blood money. In fact, many landlords are actually quite bad at the business of it. That is, they often subsidize tenants by not adequately responding to late or missed rents. They don’t act quick or forcefully enough with behavior issues that often leads to damages, drawn out eviction processes, etc. And they face the extraordinary pressure of constraining red tape, over-zealous tenant protection legislation, rapidly increasing maintenance, tax, insurance, and advertising expenses, cost-of-living increases, and the reality of a bottom-line that’s significantly smaller than they expect or need to continue to survive in the business.</p>
<p>One wonders why anyone would want to be a landlord at all? And again reality indicates that a lot of landlords are actually getting out of the business altogether. When it’s easier to just put money in a GIC or a performing mutual fund portfolio or REIT, for a higher return – it’s no wonder landlords are on the decline.</p>
<p>Nonetheless, you’re here at this site which likely means you’re a landlord looking for help. And that’s where we come in. Using the right forms, letters, notices, and wordings will certainly help with the “red tape” but also help in the bottom line.</p>
<p>Being a good landlord requires being a Master Of Communication. And our forms will help you navigate those waters and communicate masterfully with your tenants. Afterall, I mentioned all the bad references to landlords earlier, but landlords are also teachers, priests, councillors, helpers, security, friends, family, charities, and even heroes.</p>
<p>We invite you to check out our forms, checklists, notices, declarations, addendums, contracts, letters, statements, applications, and more. If you don’t see anything that helps you with your current situation, contact us and we’ll see if we can help you out!