  • Notice to tenant to confirm tenant’s verbal notice of ending tenancy in writing
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  • Landlord-Friendly Wording
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  • Digital Download – Includes both .doc & .pdf version



Tenants often provide verbal notice that they are not renewing their lease and/or intending to end their tenancy.  Without written notice, it’s very difficult for a landlord and tenant to be clear on the move-out date and the expectations involved in beginning the end-of-tenancy process.

This form aims to accomplish a few things.  First, it confirms that the tenant HAS given a verbal indication that they intend to end their rental agreement.  Second, it confirms their verbally stated departure date and/or asks that they clarify further on their move-out intentions.  And finally, it sets up the departure steps and processes required in making the transition as smooth and clear as possible between both parties.

A good rule of thumb:  “Always get it in writing” — could not be overstated.  This form is an embodiment of that rule.

Why Do I Need This Form?

  • Verbal Notice is the same as no notice at all — Get it in writing.
  • Good record keeping means always documenting renters’ significant notice/revelations/intentions.
  • By making verbal “official”, it adds a “serious” element that will motivate your tenant to keep their word.