  • Well-crafted tactful letter informing tenant of a scheduled raise of their rent in future. 
  • Single Page
  • Fast, Convenient, Instant Download
  • Landlord-Friendly Wording
  • 100% Customizeable
  • FREE Sample Letterhead
  • Digital Download – Includes both .doc & .pdf version



Every landlord must face the reality that rents need to go up on periodic basis in order to meet the increasing pressures of rising costs to the landlord.   Most tenants do not think from a landlord’s perspective.  You’d be surprised how few tenants are aware that landlords must pay property taxes, common utilities, condo fees (if applicable), association fees, insurance, regular maintenance, emergency maintenance, legal costs, commissions, vacancy-related expenses, advertising, management fees (if applicable), not to mention financing costs/mortgages on the property itself in many cases.

A tenant is mostly concerned how a rental increase will affect them and their bottom line.  But increasing rents is the only viable way to run a successful business as a landlord.  Indeed, sometimes it’s crucial to the survival of the landlord’s business itself.  Many landlords go bust because they absorb too many expenses and simply don’t earn enough from tenants.  So if raising rent is a non-negotiable reality, how do you raise rent in a way that doesn’t alienate your [good] tenants or drive them to another [cheaper] rental property?

We’ve constructed an excellent letter that achieves the desired result more often than not.  We recommend the landlord or property manager hand-deliver and explain the letter for optimal results. The actual letter text is very tactful and well-worded to make it easier for the tenant to absorb the news that their rent is going up.

Why Do I Need This Form?

  • To inform tenants that you’re raising rent in the nicest and most compassionate way possible
  • Help educate tenants on the increasing costs from a landlord’s perspective and how a raise protects renters
  • Serves as official written confirmation of a rental increase set to take place at a specific date