  • Similar to our residential form but structured for a commercial tenant (ie. small business in a mixed use property)
  • Three-Page Format
  • Fast, Convenient, Instant Download
  • Landlord-Friendly Wording
  • 100% Customizeable
  • FREE Sample Letterhead
  • Digital Download – Includes both .doc & .pdf version



Our commercial application form is similar style to our residential form but of course it is structured and geared for your commercial applicants.  We specialize in residential landlord forms, not commercial.   However, we recognized that many rental properties may be mixed use properties or small shops and restaurants that are a far cry from giant corporate buildings or plazas.  Obviously, if you own large-scale commercial property, this is not the form for you – although the form does include space and instructions for additional partners, directors, owners, and officers to complete their own personal information portion of the application form.  However, if you’re renting a small building with a shop or a restaurant below and an apartment up top or a live/work townhome, or any combination of residential and small-scale commercial, this form will suit you extremely well.

The process of vetting a commercial applicant is a bit different than residential and as a landlord you have more flexability and options to address issues that may arise during a commercial tenant term.  However, saving you time, money, and headaches is still just as important commercially as it is residentially.  Be sure to use our Commercial Application form to help you rent to the best tenant.

Note:  As with most of our products, this application form is designed for use in Canada, but can easily be edited or adapted for US rental properties.

Why Do I Need This Form?

  • This application form collects relevant personal information, provides tenant-check consent, asks relevant questions to help vet applicants
  • Three-page format is the perfect length and form is designed to quickly reveal quality and viability of small-business commercial applicant
  • Next to the actual lease, this application form is probably the most important document we offer