Make sure you secure you rent at all times. In situations where you may own a multi-unit rental property, a multi-tenants property, and/or a property out of town, you’ll want to make sure that you always have a good supply of your tenant’s cheques (in situations where your tenants provide post-dated cheques of course).
We often found it was easy to miss the fact that the last cheque on hand was being deposited. And more often than not, it may be a pain to collect new cheques on time. To avoid any unnecessary delays in rent collection, we recommend giving your tenant this Cheque Run Out form when you’re down to your last two cheques from the tenant.
Why Do I Need This Form?
- Give ample notice to your tenant that you are running low/out of post-dated cheques
- Keep your revenue/cash flow running smoothly and undisrupted by avoiding processing delays
- Provides a written reminder and record that tenant must provide additional cheques to avoid a late rent situation